How To Ease Into Exercise In The New Year With New Workout Plans

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Ease Into Exercise in The New Year With Help from Your Chiropractor

Have you decided that 2020 is the year that you'll finally follow through on your plan to exercise more often? Although regular exercise is essential to your health, you may injure yourself if you suddenly begin a rigorous workout routine. Fortunately, your chiropractor can help you create a safe, effective workout plan that gradually improves your physical fitness.

Improving Your Health and Wellness Is a Personal Process

The ideal fitness plan for your co-worker or brother may not necessarily be the best approach for you. Your fitness level, goals, and physical condition will influence the way you exercise and the type of workout that will be most beneficial.

Involving your chiropractor in the planning stages of your new workout regime can help you avoid painful injuries that may sabotage your plan to improve your fitness. During your appointment with your chiropractor, you'll discuss:

  • Workout Goals. Do you want to run a marathon, master kickboxing, or simply increase your strength and stamina? Creating goals can help you decide which type of exercise is best for you.
  • Fitness Level. Do you already exercise regularly, or would you like to get in shape after being inactive for a few years? It's important to consider your fitness level before you begin. Injuries aren't the only possibility if you're overly ambitious when you begin your new workout plan. If the plan is too challenging, you may be more likely to become frustrated and stop exercising.
  • Routine. How much time do you have to devote to exercise every week? Creating a workout plan that fits your lifestyle is the key to achieving your goals.
  • Health. Your health will also be an important consideration when beginning a new workout plan. For example, people who have asthma may need to avoid activities that involve running, as prolonged, intense activity may trigger a flare-up of asthma symptoms. The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology recommends swimming, walking or activities that require a short burst of energy rather than long-distance running, soccer or basketball.
  • Pain and Injuries. Pain won't necessarily prevent you from working out. In fact, exercise can help loosen and strengthen your muscles and joints while also decreasing pain. Your chiropractor can help you choose exercises that won't aggravate or worsen your condition. He can also give you a few hints that will help you avoid injuries while working out.

Once you've identified your goals and evaluated your fitness level, you'll be prepared to create a plan that will help you meet your objectives. The best plans include warm-ups, rest days and an exercise schedule that gradually increases the length, duration, and intensity of your workout. If you work out too hard or long, you'll increase your risk of sprains, strains, fractures, inflammation, and overuse injuries.

Regular Chiropractic Care Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

No matter how carefully you exercise, you may experience subluxations, or misalignments in the vertebrae in your spine. These misalignments can increase stress on specific parts of your body and cause pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion, headaches, and balance and posture issues. If your joints or muscles are stiff and tight, you may be more likely to experience an injury when you exercise.

Regular visits to your chiropractor will keep your spine properly aligned and your muscles and joints loose and flexible. During your appointments, your chiropractor can show you exercises that will help strengthen your muscles and discuss the importance of proper technique in preventing injuries. You'll also discuss dietary changes you can make to support your workout goals.

Are you ready to begin a new fitness routine? We'd like to help you create your workout plan. Contact us to schedule an appointment.


National Health Statistics Report: Sports- and Recreation-related Injury Episodes in the United States, 2011–2014, 11/18/16

Harper’s Bazaar: The 12 Mistakes a Chiropractor Wants You to Stop Making in the Gym, 5/16/18

Spine Health: Exercise and Chiropractic Care, 3/14/13


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  • "Dr. Gavin Richard's provides gentle, efficient manipulation that results in total healing."
    Victoria P.
  • "New owner new management and clearly Levinson Chiropractic taught them well these people are fantastic I would recommend them to anyone I have not walked in there and never walked out feeling the same or Worse... what an absolute blessing you have been to my life"
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  • "Dr. Gavin is truly a miracle worker. I am a competitive tennis player and Dr. Gavin is dedicated to keeping me on the court. Most recently I wasn't able to lift my arm without wincing in pain and in just 2 visits over 3 days, I was back to 100% strength and no pain. A huge THANK YOU to Dr. Gavin and his entire staff for their dedication, skill and knowledge and for keeping me fully engaged in living my best life!"
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  • "My spine has never felt better! Some of the best adjustments I've ever had. Great atmosphere. Dr. Gavin and his staff are always professional and welcoming."
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